Links, Updates, and those Awards


Other Star Trek ideas, and my own Sci-Fi world Beyond Now. So far this site is my biggest hit.
The home of VIVA LAS VEGAS--where all this hi-tech spewed from.
Trek Writers Guild
You'll find David S, David H, Tom V, all here.
Starship Captions Page
David Highlander's Site.
U.S.S Katana
Tom Varvaresos' Site.
Daystrom Institute of Technology
Manny Gouveia has a great site devoted to Trecknology, and much more. Better have your Trek fonts downloaded:)
SF Collective Database
Tim FitzGerald has an excellent site jam packed with information both Trek Universe, and Trek productions.
Total Eclispe Productions
Mike Wright's Trek fan-fic site with short stories serials and CGI models.
Aida's Star Trek Universe.
Sound bytes, Video clips and blueprints of the Enterprise and DS9 that caught my eye.
The Voyager LCARS Starfleet Information Database
A collection of Voyager info with advanced LCARS interfaces. Lends itself exceptionally well to Trek novices!
Sector 001 Command Center
Quite an extensive RPG with similar structures as our own.
Sven's Star Trek Page
Nice German language site!
Star Trek: Australis
Andrew Fattal's page.
Special Operations
The real deal here.

For all your rendering needs. (this image has not yet been updated into the SMR database. This image is the true image of the Rapier vehicle.)

E-mail me your Trek site for admission

Monthly I get requests from people asking to use some SMR ship or technology. And as always I reply with a hearty "Go ahead!" Well I will not speak for the other artists and authors here on the site, but I will extend my permission for anyone to use what I have created for their own use. All I ask is for the creation credit.
Most of those that have asked for use my ships, do so with sim groups and/or RPGs. That's fine. And, as usual, any questions, just ask.
And remember, the SMR universe takes place after the Dominion War and is more concentrated on defeating the Borg. The current stardate is on the Reservists Newsletter banner, although the month and date is current to the actual month and date.
And a request for those that do use a class ship, e-mail me the name and registry so that I can create a registry database.

The Secure Channel
The Behaviour Group's STZone has become famous for bringing you Trek information. The Secure Channel is the Official Newsletter of this website, bringing to you news and spoilers on the upcoming Trek episodes, plus information on the STZone's latest news. E-mail subscriptions are available as well--which is easier than filling out Guestbook forms!

The midi "Vanguard" composed by my good friend Infinity Squared.


I've been busy doing preliminary sketchs for all the starships. I plan to redo all the ships seen so far. Bear with me and have patients. This is going to take a while. Don't expect anything new until next year. (maybe after the Y2K bug is worked out--haha.)



Award Page 1

Award Page 2

Award Page 3

Award Page 4

Award Page 5

Updated January 17, 1999

Star Trek Essays
Old Guestbook entries


Paul Cargile was born in late December of 1968 and has been informed of watching the live broadcast of the Apollo Moon landing, of which he has no recollection. He spent most of his youth teaching himself to draw by experimentation, and later books, plus the art classes in school. Only in the late 1980's did he become interested in science and science-fiction to turn his art to that medium, although in is teens, his subjects severly digressed from starships to the study of female anatomy.

After highschool, he took a limited career in the United States Air Force, being placed in the electronics field, and trained to do avionics repair and troubleshooting for Instrumentation and Automatic Flight Controls Systems for the F-15. Of that airframe, he maintained those systems for the C,D, and E models. While doing so he learned a vast amount on how computers communicate information to one another, and how advanced aircraft are put together. Not to mention, he learned how the military society functioned. Using this general information helps him design the starships you will, or have seen on this site.
In 1997, Paul purchased a computer and got On-line. After he seperated from the Air Force and settled down, he began to build his websites: the first one dedicted to humor, the darkside, and his writtings, the second site is devoted to his Starship Designs, and this one--well, it's plainly obvious what this one is about.
Currently he has a strong enterest in astronomy, cosmology, physics, and quantum mechanics, and tries to apply the things he has learned into his technobabble.

David Sands was born a few hours shy of Christmas in 1976. A child of the 1980s (he turned 13 in the last days of the decade), he had a relatively uneventful childhood, being sent to St Christopher's School from kindergarten to the 12th grade. Though his sight was destroyed in academics and his knees, feet, and shins were ripped apart in cross country, he stills studies military history with the fervor of his youth (which first really began after watching Top Gun.) He now attends Mary Washington College pursuing a bachelor of science degree in psychology. He's a Resident Assistant (during the school year) to a noisy floor of young adults while trying to get work done and maintain the great relationship he has with his gorgeous girlfriend. One of his other main interests is the MWC Honor Council. There he is a pillar of strength upholding and defending the academic and social integrity of his great school. He got restarted into Star Trek after going to the Utopia Planitia Fleetyards Website and becoming enthralled with the detail inherent to the genre. He writes fan fiction on a crew of special operations personnel in the world of Trek operating out of the ship USS Apocalypse. His interest include reading, writing his fiction, web design, medicine, biology, psychology, current events (when he has time), history, dabbling in Latin, wearing pink polo shirts, Dungeons and Dragons, eating macaroni and cheese, working at Eddie Bauer, avoiding eggs and poultry (he's allergic to both, no joke!), collecting cute animals, being with his girlfriend whenever possible, kicking ass, and taking names.

Robert (Baloo) Dunehew was born after Sputnik and before manned space flight. He displayed a high degree of mechanical aptitude and scientific curiosity from an early age. When he was only 3, he painted the garage floor, "fixed" mommy's vacuum cleaner, and "discovered" electricity (with the aid of a screwdriver). That was a typical week.
In elementary school, he discovered science and science fiction, though it would take a few years before he could distinguish the two. At age 6, while watching a Gemini launch on television, he was suddenly disillusioned when he realized that this meant the "Jetsons" was only a cartoon. At 8, Baloo saw his first episode of "Star Trek" on a friend's color TV. The only thing he clearly recalls is that this "Spock" guy was either supposed to be an alien or, judging by his color, was about to lose his lunch.
At 12, our hero began reading such science fiction classics as "Lucky Starr, Space Ranger" by Paul French (a.k.a. Isaac Asimov) and "Danny Dunn, Boy Scientist". It was about this time that he decided to be an engineer, whereupon his brother-in-law (an engineer) gifted him with a cornucopia of drafting instruments. Baloo immediately began drawing planes he thought the Air Force ought to have, based upon aesthetic considerations rather that actual need.
In High School, Baloo excelled in math and science, though, much to his teachers' annoyance, he often brought science books into class to read when the teacher was boring (a frequent occurrence). In college, Baloo had two excellent semesters before he discovered the fine art of carousing (adding a few refinements), followed shortly by poor grades and a not-quite-voluntary decision to enter the workforce and worry about college later.
Baloo worked a range of jobs from graphic artist to sheet rock hanger with varying success until he finally decided to join the Air Force, under the advice of his last civilian boss. In the Air Force, Baloo joined the electronic Jack-of-all-trades career field of Electronic Warfare. (He'd tell us more, but then he'd have to kill us, and he says that he already has enough to do as it is.)
Baloo is still in the Air Force, and has only in the last six months gotten "on the web". Despite this, he is learning HTML and many other useful acronyms. His interests are science and human behavior (and misbehavior). In his spare time he lives with his wife and infant son in Clovis, New Mexico, about 50 miles from Earth (honest! There's a sign that says "Earth 1 mile -->" on the highway to Lubbock, Texas).